You know what you want but can't find it in stores? Quality furniture is hard to find? The price is an important factor?
That was me in 2015. I was at my wits end. Never being able to find what I needed. Lately, I learned that many quilters also have a ''penchant'' for carpentry. Furthermore, I've learnt that lots of quilters are asking Santa for power tools every year. And here I thought I was the only one!
Well ladies, it's time to come out of the closet and show our talents to the world. Stop hiding and join me and all the women out there with the same will to change how things should be done. By quilters and for quilters.
From time to time, I will add to this place all the furniture and equipment I built and post furniture that quilters built using the plans I wrote. Maybe you will get inspired and build on my ideas and end up with a product that suits our needs.
Ladies, it's time to innovate our space of creativityness !!!! I don't think it's a word but I believe I can create anything, even words. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
In reality, there's not much difference between quilting and making furniture except for power tools. But isn't a sewing machine a power tool hmmmm! It gives power to quilters.
I present to you my new cutting table. I made this last summer and I have written the plan so you can make your own.
Here's some of the furniture I built to hold my bolts of fabric

Furniture to hold my bolts of fabric.

56'' high x 15'' deep x 36'' large.

My favorite color.

To place larger items

8'' high x 5'' wide

Small : 8''H x 5''W Medium : 8''W x 14''H Large : 8''W x 19''H

This is what I use to do the different size bolts.